Friday 20 June 2008

TV star mugged by Aussie chef's killers - police

Virginia Gay, an actress on hit show All Saints, was bashed by two men minutes before they killed a Sydney chef on Saturday night, Australian police say.

They said the 26-year-old, who plays the nurse Gabrielle Jaeger in the TV series, was lucky not to have died from the blows as the two men tried to steal her handbag.

Fifteen minutes later, police believe, the men bashed and robbed a 30-year-old chef, Daniel Owen, who died as ambulance officers tried to save him.

Gay was attacked at 11.50pm on Saturday as she walked along Illawarra Road, Marrickville. It is understood she was admitted to a hospital casualty but was released the same night, nursing bruises but no broken bones.

Police said a flatmate of Mr Owen, who went to his aid after hearing screams, found him with serious head injuries in the driveway of his block of units. His wallet and mobile phone had been stolen.

"It was a pretty vicious attack on her and a nasty, vicious attack on [the man] and we need to get [the attackers] in [off the streets]," said police.

Friends of Mr Owen said yesterday he was a gentle person.

"Mugs used to pick him," said a friend, who asked not to be identified. "He looked a victim from a mile off. He wouldn't hurt anyone."

Mr Owen's parents returned to Sydney on Sunday from a holiday in New Zealand after police informed them of his death.

Mr Owen's brother, who is serving with the army in Iraq, flew home on Monday.

One of the attackers was described as 188 centimetres tall, with a muscular build and light olive skin, a shaved head and clean-shaven face.

The second man was described as about 170 centimetres tall, had a slim build with dark skin, and possibly a shaved head. Both men are believed to be between 18 and 25.

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